The development of annual plants - from crops and before maturing of new seeds - occurs within spring and summer. In autumn they die. We can concern to the same group some thermophilic perennial plants that are cultivated as annual plants. Annual plants finish their life cycle during one vegetative period, they live their life from a seed till a new crop of seeds and die off. Some long-term plants are cultivate as annual plants, they are grown up only during one vegetative period, and next year they are sawn again as they cannot winter in an open ground (vervain, carnation, cardinal-flower, lion's pharynx, nasturtium, petunia, etc.).
Annual plants are grow up according to the following scheme:
Spring - crops indoors on sprouts or in a ground on its place, landing of sprouts or thinning of soil shoots.
Summer – taking care including watering, top dressing, loosening, weeding and cutting off the inflorescences that finished blossoming, gathering of seeds.
Autumn - cleaning of finished blossoming plants.
The rich specific and high-quality assortment of annual garden plants allows to choose a considerable amount of annual plants, that propagate not by their selves but cropping seeds in an open ground.
More thermophilic types should be sowed after cold spring morning (frosts early in the morning) will stop. Also directly in an open ground are sown seeds of the plants which cannot bare replantation (lining-out) as their root system difficultly restores the soaking hairs develop only on root branches that are deeply in soil (poppy, gillyflower, mignonette, lupine, nasturtium, californica). In an open ground are also sown also seeds of fast-growing types of plants, such, as string bean decorative, nails, helipterum roseum plenum, marigolds. For reception of additional cutting, landings are made in different terms.
The set annual flowers plant includes approximately 200-250 types, not including the rare types. And it promptly replenishes both at the expense of wild-growing, and by means of selection. In recent years it was outlined the tendency of reception of annual forms of plants from perennial plants. The types of plants that blossom in the same year when they were made from the following perennial plants: leucanthemum, yarrow, columbine and even perennial phlox.
Advantages of annual plants:
Annual plants quickly develop and are capable to decorate the garden. With their help it is possible to create a new flower bed for one season, to decorate a ladder, a verandah, or a fence.
Annual plants quickly blossom and blossom long and plentifully up to frosts.
A large choice of forms of plants from undersized to grown in hanging pots or vases, from high to twisted, that allows to use annual plants in any types of flower decoration.
An improbable richness of colours and the shades, allowing to create any colour combinations.
Are absolutely irreplaceable summer plants in vessels with small volume of earth: window and balcony boxes, vases, ornamental flowerpots, pendant baskets and containers.
Compositions from summer plants can be updated every year and their place can be changed.
Summer plants with powerful roots, for example asters, marigolds, houstonianums it can be dig out and to replaced when they blossom, summer plants in containers can be landed and replaced when they blossom during the whole year.
It is important that among annual plants there are cold-resistant, drought-resistant and plants that don’t need much care which can be also sown directly in the ground.
See also: Perennial Flowers, Types of Flowers, Grass Perennials