Creation of Flower Beds
Flower beds are one of the basic things of decorative registration of various objects of gardening. They are created according to the principle of landscape or regular composition. The parts of flower bed should be very harmonious. In solution of this question, helps the usage of “golden” rule proportion that is 3:5:8.
Creation of flower beds is a true art: because already on the design stage it is necessary to imagine in advance how flowers will look in different times of a year - in growth, in time of flowering and at the moment of withering.
A good flower bed should be planned so, that to please everybody since spring till autumn, from the first runaways to the first snowfalls. Preparation and fertilization of soil, selection of plants, planting and care of them has to be subordinated to the strict plan.
There are some kinds of flower beds:
Mixborders, as a rule, have wrong form. These are multigroup, multirow, mixed landings of ornamental plants (annuals, perennials, bushes and even trees). The assortment of plants steals up according to the principle of continuous flowering during all season.
The flower bed of geometrical form which is looked through from different directions, consists basically from annuals, two years plants and bulbous plants.
Blossoming strips in width from 0,5 to 2м, placed along paths, structures, fences and platforms. Plants are usually placed by rows along the big axe. Can be used one type of flowers and several types. Rabattes can be unilateral and bilateral, faltering and continuous.
Is a bordering of a flower bed, a lawn or tree - bushed groups, edges of platforms or paths. Serves for underlining the border of an object. Plants are landed by rows along the axe (usually from 1 to 4 rows). More often in borders are landed plants which height does not exceed 50 sm.
Strict geometrical forms of flower landings on open sites, are addition to an architectural ensemble of buildings. Executed in the form of flower drawing parterre flower beds carry are named arabesques.
Big landings of grassy plants. Is used only one type of plants - for example, dahlias, begonia.
A small number of plants of one kind (irises, hosts). Groups can be near walls or freely growing.
Single plants should settled on a big distance from other landings (approximately 2-3 growth of a person). The plant in a single landing has to meet the following requirements: it should have an unusual form of a crone, it should be large enough, have an unusual colouring of leaves, flowers or fruits.
See also: Blooming Habits: Roses and Lilies, Blooming Habits: Tulips, Irises, and Daffodils