In conditions of modern world with an abundance of the newest technologies, modern technical achievements, a person who lives in modern mad rhythm more and more has sensations that he needs something natural and beautiful. There is no secret that we feel more comfortably only in the places allowing us to touch wildlife, whether these are magnificent city parks, cosy squares, rest at sea coast or on the bank of a river. And a green oasis on your own garden site will give to the owner pride and satisfactions and becomes his favourite vacation spot.
There a lot of styles of garden decoration, but the choice of plants and materials is even more various. The defining factors in garden planning are: climate, soil, environment and the functional purpose.
The kind is something uniform, got by the general idea. The kind in landscape design is a certain treatment of key rules and receptions of a lay-out, equipment, and colouring of a small garden. The concept of style includes garden’s planning decision, the usage of certain vegetative forms and their combinations, the type of decorative paths and even the form of the garden equipment. The choice of style of a garden depends on landscape features of a site (its configuration, environment, and sizes) and is defined by architectural style in which the basic constructions are built. But mostly it’s the matter of taste and reflexion of the owner’s lifestyle of a garden and even is more than that – the reflexion of his outlook. The modern kinds of a small garden only adjoin with the views of gardens of the past.
Growing and getting old, the garden passes not only through age borders, but also through style borders, getting in each country national shapes because a garden, and especially a small garden, is connected with the life of society.
It happens that to create a garden, to execute arbours, patio and the house in the same style is already impossible. But it is possible to add some separate details, in order to achieve certain unity. Without trying to impose our opinion and relation, we will try to give the characteristic of some most widespread style directions - both classical, and modern.
Regular Style
The epoch of French classicism in park art was marked by grandiose creations of Andre Lenotr. Before him the building of gardens was imitated to Italians...
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The Italian Style
The Italian style – is a variety of regular style. This is a small garden near a country house or a park surrounded by wall or a cut green hedge...
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The Landscape Style
Landscape parks or as they are named English parks, have appeared in the18 century in England which is considered the founder this of the landscape gardening direction in Europe...
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The Japanese Garden
In all three types of forest a complex system of interrelationships governs the ecological well-being of the forest and its inhabitants.
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Modern Style
The modern styles of a small garden are aesthetics and individuality...
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Modernist Style
The modernist style was similar only to some features of architecture of the beginning of the century, differed by the simplicity of lines and sculpturesqueness of volumes...
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The Dutch Garden
The Dutch garden looks like it has descended from pictures of old masters, having kept the traditions...
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Colonial Style
Purely American style - the first American colonists became the legislators of this style, but it is used in other countries too...
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Rural Style
This "rural" style is defined by affinity to the nature - whether it is an arable land or wood, sea or lake - and usage of simple, natural materials and forms...
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