The Preparation of soil for crops of seeds of flower and decorative cultures is a responsible matter on which the success of the whole business depends. The soil should be friable, water-absorbing, to have the sub acidic reaction (pH 6 - 6,5) if it is not necessary for some cultures, to contain enough nutrients.
In order to prepare the soil yourself you have to do the following. You need 50% of fertile sifted cespitose earth or the good garden earth, 25% of sifted riding peat and 25% of medium size (river) sand. The components have to be mixed up very well with adding the small amount of wood ashes and complex mineral fertilizer. For crops of seeds it is possible to use ready soil of high quality, such type as the Violet or similar.
There is considerable quantity of microorganisms in the soil, pathogenic bacteria, disputes of mushrooms, larvae of insects causing various diseases of plants, and also seeds of weeds. When seeding in such soil hardly growing, very small, and at sometimes and dusty seeds, it happens that it is very difficult to understand what has ascended; a weed or a cultural plant which you have planted. Especially if you plant it for the first time and have never seen its early shoots.
The prepared soil needs to be steamed. In the house conditions the most easier way to do this is to put the soil into the oven. Pour the soil evenly on the pan and place it into the oven for 30 minutes at temperature of 150°С. After such procedure all the pathogenic microorganisms and seeds of weeds will die. After the soil will cool down, humidify it if necessary and fill the landing containers with it then it is possible to start planting the seeds. Now you can be sure that cotyledonous leaflets that appeared in 1 - 2 months belong to that plant which you have planted, and also essentially decreases the risk of diseases of your landings.
The landing containers of any size you can choose without any effort from the used foodstuff, but not forget to make the holes in the bottom of the container for draining of superfluous water after watering.
And one more indispensable condition. By all means cover the container with crops with glass, or plastic layer or simply put it into the transparent plastic package. It will protect the surface of soil from drying so guarantees you good shoots, and also because many seeds of flowers and decorative cultures are sowed on the soil surface.