We all love flowers, they decorate our life, make it more colored and bright. Every day in the world there are bought and given hundreds and thousands of flowers. And all these flowers have been grown up carefully by someone in order to please those to whom they would be given.
They say that there is no a gift better, than the one that is made by hands. If to paraphrase it a little bit, the same can be said about flowers. Imagine that you decorate the house with the flowers that you have grown up. Or present it to the closest people to whom such a gift will be doubly expensive and pleasant.
If you want your garden to be unusually beautiful, you have to plant flowers in it. Flowers garden can please you by blossoming since early spring to the late fall. Already in the end of April daisies, pansies, forget-me-nots, crocuses, hyacinths start blossom. In May narcissuses, in June peonies, carnations and poppies start blossom. In July, iris, lily, hand bell, petunia, delphinium start blossom; and in august - gladiolus, dahlia, rod-rose, and aster. Flowers Garden can be divided on annual and perennial.
Annual flowers garden
Annual flowers garden don’t concede perennial on the beauty, there are a lot of different kinds of them and they can also blossom since spring till autumn. Annual flowers are very good both for garden decoration, and for bouquets. Annual flowers are: aster, calendula, poppy, etc. To annual plants also carry Perennial flowers which cannot live in northern areas in winter time and are grown up as Annual flowers ( lion's pharynx, petunia, begonia, etc.). Annual flowers breed seeds. Some kinds of flowers land sprouts.
Perennial flowers garden
Biannual flowers also concern to this group. Very often in time of year of crops biannual flower garden form only the socket of leaves, and flowers and seeds appear only for the second year. Perennial flowers garden easy pass winter colds, and many kinds are presented by very various grades.
Bulbous flowers garden
This group is presented by hyacinth, lily, tulip, narcissus, etc. The underground bodies of these flowers are named bulbs. Such flowers can winter in open-air and grow on the same place for some years. The upper part dies in autumn, and starts to grow again in the spring. Some bulbous flowers during the winter period demand easy shelter at very low temperatures.
Tuber and tuberbulbous garden flowers
This group is presented by dahlias, gladioluses, begonias, etc. Such flowers are widespread. Their difference from other flowers consists in fact that their underground body forms a tuber or tuber bulb. These flowers cannot winter in an open-air. Annually in the autumn tubers are dug out and stored in storehouse, and in spring are land again.
“*” - For northern areas.