The garden of heathers is very popular in Europe. In the sort of Heather there is only one kind – the ordinary heather, that is represented by several tens of grades different on colouring of the flowers (from white to dark-purple) and foliage (in some cases it can be both golden - orange, and smoke - white). In nature this unique kind has an enormous area in Europe, stretched from tundra in the north to the southern border of the zone of coniferous broad-leaved woods (from all the European countries there are no heathers only in Italy). In Europe there are a lot of heather gardens especially in the north of the European part, and mainly in dry pine forests, on sands and sphagnous bogs - that means in the places with the poorest and sourish soils. The heathers are priced for their long flowering in second half of summer.
According to the principle of monogarden it is possible to unite any other blossoming plants that effectively look in large quantities and have different varieties of forms and colourings of flowers, and also height and habitus of plants. Violets, cyclamens, hydrangeas, rhododendrons, lilacs, jasmine, hyacinths, clematises, tulips - the list of fine plants is great, and each has an army of the devoted admirers. That is why every flower has a chance once to become the main things or even a unique ornament of a garden.