Often, using for landing of water plants special mesh or any other plastic containers, we absolutely forget that they are very visible in the water. Plastic, that is visible from the bottom, certainly, spoils the general impression. Therefore if you use containers for landing of water plants, take care their decoration with ground, sand, gravel or a pebble according to the general style of decoration.
Do not forget that water plants develop very quickly, especially in the limited conditions of containers. Very often, once in two or three years you will have to completely dismantle them from the bottom and terraces in order to divide and replace plants. These are absolutely unnecessary efforts, that is why it is better to make a bigger reservoir and to plant the plants directly in the ground, poured above the waterproofing surface.
It is expedient to use containers only for landing of dwarfish water-lilies, which should grow on depth of only 20 - 40 cm. where it is risky to leave them for the winter period, or in the mini reservoir in the raised bowl. With the coming of steady colds the capacities with dwarfish and thermophilic need to be lifted from the water and distributed for wintering: something in a cellar, something deeply in a deeper pond, something to dig in garden beds. In most cases there is no necessity to cultivate water plants in containers. Do not make your life more complicated.