For the last few years Japanese gardens became very popular sometimes strange and unknown constructions. Meanwhile, the Japanese garden is first of all philosophy, outlook and world understanding. In the east, and first of all, in China and Japan, huge attention was paid to garden art.
The Japanese gardens and parks are absolutely unlike to what we usually see. In a city garden we expect to see figured flower beds, paths which have been cleared away and trampled down. In Japanese gardens other elements appear in the attention centre. Here on first place are: sand, pebble, dwarfish plants, freakish streams, stones. The Japanese garden is characterized by mystery atmosphere, as it is necessary in basis of park design.
In Japanese city garden we are under influence not only from the beauty and perfection of forms, but also spirit of the things which internal force we feel doing every step. To try to transfer the Japanese park to any other country is a vert difficult task and not many floral artists can do that. Spirit, atmosphere – are that the main things in a Japanese park.
Throughout millenniums different epochs and time ideals generated various manners of landscape compositions. But, in spite of their variety, there are certain canons of creation of a garden. It can be subordinated to one idea - so rock-gardens, water-gardens, moss-gardens, season-gardens are created. According to the idea the main role is given to groups of stones, waterfalls, or to the variety of colours and the invoices of mosses, or a lonely tree on a low hillock, or nature circular motion in changing of the seasons. And there are landscape gardens. There are also mixed gardens that are most popular now. The Japanese garden is closely connected with painting, the difference is that the material is the nature. As well as painting, it can be monochrome and polychrome. And if rock-gardens are avaricious on colour the landscape garden reminds a multi-coloured roll or a colour engraving.
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