Popular Mistakes in Landscape Design
The desire to quickly make a beautiful landscape can to lead to mistakes. Here are the twelve temptations which should be avoided, and their good alternatives.
1. Do not lose a building. Take under consideration the size, the form and style of your house when you are making a court yard lay-out. The landscape design should be in a harmony with building, not to eclipse, not to shade it and not to contrast with it. Unite your house and a court yard by means of repeating stylistic details, smooth transitions and interiors.
2. Do not neglect the design. Make a plan. It is easy to lose your head at first signs of spring and to start digging holes and to land plants, but refrain from it while you will not have an accurate plan.
3. Be not ruined. Count your money and don’t waste them for nothing. It is very easy to spend a lot of money for landscape creation if you are not attentive and purchase the necessary things slowly. For correct definition of approximate cost of usual subjects for a court yard use special magazines.
4. Do not be short-sighted. Try to imagine, how your landscape is going to look after some time passes. Find out the sizes of adult plants before buying and landing them. Because one day after all exactly this small tree can captivate all the court yard, blocking the sun and shading other plants. Magnificent bushes and quickly expanding lianas soon can close a view from the window.
5. Do not be too rectilinear. Use bends and wavy lines in order to increase the visual interest, thus your court yard will look more natural. There is nothing bad In straight lines, but do not land everything in straight rows, do not do each footpath like a straight line.
6. Do not land all behind the house. Think about the general view. Even if you spend the most part of your time on a backyard, the space in front of the house should not be empty. Use a gate, a small fence, an arch or a green hedge in order to create a beautiful entrance.
7. Do not forget about your family. Take under consideration the requirements of each member of your family. Each of them can differently use the court yard. Probably, you will not be able to meet all the numerous desires of each member of your family but if you know what is more important for them, it will be easier for you to make priorities and to use the space in the best way.
8. Do not make hope for the sun. Make the system of illumination the main part of your landscape plan , do not leave it on to do it later. Good illumination raises safety and, and also allows you to play and have a good time in the evenings. At least, steps, paths, access roads and entrance should be well shined.
9. Do not undertake too much. Choose plants, designs and other details which will demand only that attention which you can give them. Otherwise your landscape soon becomes a burden for you. Whether you will take care of these roses? Whether you will clean this pond? Whether you will repaint this white wooden fence every couple of years?
10. Do not pass to the dessert ahead of time. Do not be too lazy to waste time and money on the things that make the basis of your court yard: soil, drainage, the basic structures, carefully picked up plants - before to bring there amusing details: bright annual - plants, exotic perennial - plants, decorative details and statues.
11. Do not make a vinaigrette. For creation the maximum effect land the plants in groups of the same colour or the same type. Struggle with the desire to quickly set a naked court yard, landing plants here and there. It is better to finish first with one site of landings, and then to pass to another.
12. Do not be a copyist. Make your landscape individual. It is not bad to get inspiration from the next court yard, and even to borrow some ideas from it, but struggle with desire in accuracy to repeat the ideal court yard of your neighbours, it should not dictate you how your court yard has to look.
See also: Landscape Design, Landscape Style, Garden Style, Garden for Health