Landscape parks or as they are named English parks, have appeared in the18 century in England which is considered the founder this of the landscape gardening direction in Europe.
Contrary to regular style the landscape kind does not isolate a garden in cotrary; it enters surrounding landscape into organic communication with it. «Thus, - as A.E.Regel writes, - artificiality is obvious here so, as naturalness in regular style: natural lacks of a place should be corrected or obliterated, natural beauties should develop whenever it is possible, and if they are absent they have to be created; but the main condition is the law: all should seem natural, natural, without the slightest trace of artificiality».
The asymmetric configuration leads a person to a closer harmony with nature. Being released from rigidity of the symmetric plan, each site can be solved with more number of its natural landscape qualities. Movement becomes more free. It is possible to see every object of a landscape and to take pleasure from it or from its parity with other elements of landscape more, than from its parity with in advance ordered drawing of the plan.
In such garden the subjects that are not equal on size and form, take places so that make an impression of steadiness. Such placing of plants also is like natural. That is why it is more natural for a small garden site. The free picturesque lay-out, as a rule, more corresponds to a site, its realisation demands less excavations, retaining walls, screens and designs, and consequently, is more economically. It is especially important that it causes less destructions and better unites with all surrounding landscape.
From this style we can borrow receptions of optical increase of space and strengthening its depth that is extraordinary important for small modern garden. Types of Flowers in an English garden are not landed much. Flower beds are placed near the house or a reservoir. All landings are diversed and landed in groups. Character of plants, combination of their form and colour, even autumn colouring of foliage has a great importance. The house in a garden with landscape style is not a dominant; on the contrary it disappears among greens of trees. Paths are twisted, besides paving tile it is widely applied gravel elimination or natural stone.
The landscape kind came from the East - from China where regular style in general has never existed. Later, when from open spaces of this huge country the quivering perception of nature has moved on the Japan islands, the art of the Japanese gardens began to influence the gardens of the whole world.
See also: English Garden Pictures, English Garden Videos, Italian Style, Japanese Garden