Imagine the leaves of coltsfoot to 80 sm in a diameter, forming a dense bush in height up to 1,5 meters, not losing its shape during the hole season. And though the rare customer does not compare it with a burdock first, but without this plant it is impossible to manage, especially at landings in a shade, ravines and at water. There is one lack - at the expense of quickly expanding rhizome it can spread all over the garden, but isn’t very aggressive. Simply it is necessary look after it and transplant 2 times a year. It is very exacting to humidity of soil. Does not like a constant shining sun. Decorative effect from rhizomes grows is reached in the first year. Looks better when it’s spread. Not so many grass perennials can be compared with the force of development of this plant. There are some more kinds, but they are similar and deprived bright individuality.
See also: Types of Flowers, Flower Structure, The Flower Clocks