The size of a garden does not influence its art advantages. Therefore it is not necessary to worry, if it seems to you that your garden is not big enough, or on the contrary, is too big. But, thinking over the general composition of the garden or planning its separate sites, it is necessary to remember that all its parts have to be proportional to each other and to the whole garden, to structures and landings. The modern architecture of a country house is more often eclectic, and the manor itself seldom corresponds to any historical period. As a rule, the garden lay-out is combined. The representation zone of smart entrance and near the house can be quite often made in regular style, but further the manor is almost always made out in a free, landscape lay-out. And therefore before to start to work, it is necessary to define, which water device will mostly suit your garden style.
If the architecture of the house and the decoration of surrounding space is made in classical style, and in furnish it is a lot of stone, it will be most pertinent to organize a formal pool with a fountain, a channel that effectively cuts the beautiful pavement or a wall fountain in the South European style. If the house is executed in Europe tradition or is similar to country style, it is most logical to build a natural pond, as in the nature, or stream but a rough one. By the way, from all possible variants of water devices «the natural" pond and stream in the overwhelming majority of cases are suitable for any court yard. Besides a pond executed as a natural reservoir in which grow and live various water plants, small fishes, predatory bugs and plankton, frogs and tritons, needs less care than other ponds. It perfectly enters in any landscape, and looks pertinently everywhere.
Landscape Pond
The basic characteristic feature of such construction is its naturalness. The garden pond can have any sizes, but its form should be as smoother as possible...
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Water in Movement
However the pond of natural outlines is not the only natural variant of the reservoir decoration.And the smaller the pond is the less bends it should have...
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The Cascade
If the garden is big, and there are large structures, high old trees and the magnificent, strongly expanded bushes in it and the relief is expressed strongly enough, it is possible to arrange such variant of a stream, as the cascade...
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Reservoir in Formal Style
The name speaks for itself: it is a reservoir with the quiet water, having correct geometrical contours: round, square, more rare oval or rectangular (with bay windows in end faces)...
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The Fountain
To arrange a fountain is not so simple, though mostly all powerful pumps are completed with nozzles for various variants of fountains...
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Pond in a Cup
It is not necessary to dismiss such simple, but rather attractive method as tiny « water garden», and better to say - pond in a cup...
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