1.A correct choice of a place. If you are going to create a new flower bed, try to choose well shined place for it. Though among perennial plants there are plants which feel good even in a deep shade, you will have much wider choice of plants for your garden if the place for a bed is shined at least a part of day.
2.A correct choice of plants. Estimate a place which you have defined for your future flower bed, on such parameters as soil type, insolation (shade and sun parity during the day), and select plants which are good for these conditions. Pay special attention to a question of winter hardiness of plants in your area in order not to be disappointed in the spring if plants won’t be able to survive in severe conditions of a cold.
3.Preparation of soil for landing plants. As your perennials have to grow on the same place within several years, the soil preparation is a very important stage. The majority of long-terms prefer moderately fertilised, friable loamy soils with big quantity of organic substances.
4.Correct landing. Observe the instruction of plants landing which is usually placed on a firm-supplier label. Before landing the plants have to be watered, without taking out from containers. It is desirable to put the containers with plants in capacity with water for some time in order to fill the earth with moisture. Correctly executed landing will help plants to adapt and restore faster from stress.
5.Provide your plants additional care during the first seasons. It is good, if you mulch the soil around plants with any organic material. But be careful; don’t place the mulch too close to plants trunks. Do not forget about watering - if the Nature does not relieve you of this work and will not spill rain on your flower garden, it is necessary to water plants, and plentiful weekly watering is much more preferably than daily spraying. At frequent superficial watering the roots develop in the top layers of earth that considerably reduces winter hardiness of plants.
See also: Types of Flowers, Garden Style, Garden for Health, Color Mood of a Garden