For the health of your reservoir are vital not only plants, but also living creatures: small fishes, green pond frogs, tritons, predatory water bugs and mollusks. Their presence in the garden water area will provide isolation of an ecological chain, because the biological balance is created and supported thanks to the interdependence of all its links - from the elementary to the higher. Such organization like in natural type allows the garden pond to exist cleaning itself.
The most simple fish that doesn’t need care is the gold crucian. Adapting to any conditions, it finds food on the bottom of the reservoir, and reconciled with the lack of oxygen during winter time. The silver crucian, white bream, red-eye and some other small fishes of open reservoirs don’t feel very good in the conditions of a small garden pond. You will have to feed up and watch the water aeration.
From many decorative breeds Carassius auratus are very suitable for a garden pond - the goldfishes healthy and adaptive, which small flock will quickly render habitable water area and can successfully winter under ice if the water volume in the reservoir is not less than 10 cubes. During warm time they need to be fed up, but with approach of colds it is not necessary to feed them, because they have to be prepared for winter rest.
In the end I would like to state one more argument in protection of the garden reservoir organised in natural type. On many garden sites in the early spring when the snow has already melted away, the sun shines and there is a light breeze, the water-supply lines don’t work yet. Such plants as coniferous, evergreen ericaceous, roses and even geihers, require urgent watering, because the evaporation of moisture from plants is already very active. At this time watering for them is the matter of life and death. And the water for these purposes can be taken from the garden pond, and you can also make cleaning after winter, to cut something off or remove the sunk rubbish from the bottom.