What is the Landscape Gardening
Landscape gardening is a complex of landscape works by creation of decorative compositions, planting of trees and bushes, creation of green hedges, lawns and flower beds.
At landscape gardening are used following receptions and design elements:
Planting of Trees
As a matter of fact, any garden cannot be named a garden if trees are not planted in it. It is one of the basic and obligatory elements of gardening. Trees create special comfortable atmosphere in a garden: they allow to take cover from scorching solar beams, improve the garden microclimate, create a natural barrier from a dust and to noise. Besides, trees possess the special favorable power allowing a person to strengthen his forces, to take off weariness, to recover from daily stress.
A special direction in landscape gardening is landing of big-sized trees. There are a lot of disputes about the expediency of this tree-planting method, but it is necessary to accept that this is the only way to change the most deserted site in an adult, decorative garden in one season. Very often the landings of big-sized trees are made during the winter period when plants are in "dream" condition. At observance the technology of landing it is possible to land not only coniferous and deciduous trees, but also fruit - apple-trees, pears, plums, etc.
Landing of Bushes
Bushes are used in landscape design for many reasons: they allow to give to a garden an additional volume, fill it with colour and structure, help to hide modest sites and to disguise different constructions. Bushes serve for protection of a garden against extraneous noise, dust and excessive views. Many bushes differ by decorative flowering, beautiful autumn colouring of foliage and the fruits remaining on a plant for a long time that allows to decorate a garden even during winter time. The majority of bushes are unpretentious and can please the view with their presence in the garden for a long time.
Green Hedges
This element of design of a garden has both practical, and aesthetic function. First of all, as appears from the name, it is a fence, so it’s urged to isolate a garden or its part from extraneous views, and also dust and noise. For creation of green hedges can be used as deciduous: (avellane, a honeysuckle, spirea, cotoneaster, dog rose, hawthorn, barberry, dogwood, and many other things), and coniferous breeds: (western thuja, a fur-tree, european larch).
Depending on the designer’s thoughts, and shown requirements of a hedge can be short-cut or freely growing. For a short-cut hedge it is necessary to select unpretentious plants with the good branching, easily transferring a hairstyle and forming a dense crone.
Special reception of landscape decoration are short-cut figures from the bushes, being a subject of long-term work and pride of their founders.
Creation of Flower Beds
This is one of the most favourite receptions both for a beginning, and a professional with experience. Flower beds are capable to give mood and style to a garden and to tell a lot about the owner of a garden. Flowers can tell that it is impossible to put into words.
Flower beds can have different forms, can be constructed in any or formal style. For creation of flower compositions can be used both annual, perennial flowers. Annual flowers bring in our garden a lot of colours and bright flowering since spring to the first frosts. More reserved in a colour palette perennials are not capable to blossom for such a long time, but skillfully picked up in a composition will give to your garden a good decorative effect, replacing each other during all season.
A special group is made by the bulbous plants bringing special pleasure by the early-spring flowering after long monotonous winter. And in the autumn, unexpectedly appearing from under the earth, they are capable to clear us from autumn melancholy and to add to the garden gentle, quivering paints.
Stony Gardens
Become recently fashionable the element of landscape decoration of a garden, a stony garden will harmoniously enter in any style of landscape decision.
Even more often in a composition at creation a stony garden include not only truly Alpine plants, but also flowers habitual to us, bushes and even small trees. Stony gardens are easily entered in surrounding landscape, do not need too much care and look very naturally. The elements included in them, such as bridges, ladders, reservoirs, streams, rifts will add to your garden originality and decorative effect.
Vertical Landscape Gardening
This reception allows to expand the garden space, including vertical spaces in a composition. By means of vertical landscape gardening you can add some privacy to your garden, create shadow corners, decorate unattractive constructions or get rid of boring monotony of a fence.
Vertical landscape gardening can be used not only in country house arrangement, but also in city conditions: at dressing of balconies, loggias or even house walls.
See also: Dutch Garden, Colonial Style, Regular Style