It is not necessary to dismiss such simple, but rather attractive method as tiny «water garden», and better to say - pond in a cup. It is good that the image of water elements is possible to arrange in the conditions that at first sight absolutely do not suit for this, for example, on a balcony, at the office or in the smallest garden. For this purpose any decorative container will suit. It is better, that its sizes won’t be too small. For example, the height of 30-40 cm and the diameter 50-60 cm. Such bowl will be steady, and it is possible to lodge some water plants in it: a tiny water-lily, a bush of rush or floating relic ferns - salvinia and azolla. Such water area can become a summer residence for your personal goldfish.
The tiny garden of water is a module which is possible to be move, and its exposition can be easily changed. But do not forget that the health of water and its inhabitants will depend on many factors, and first of all from illumination. On an open place in a heat water will overheat and can blossom. In strongly shaded place the water-lily will not blossom. It is necessary to take care of where to move the inhabitants of the mini reservoir during the winter period. To fry a goldfish is a sin and where it to hold in the winter? And the plants need to be attached somewhere till next spring...
Conclusion: lighting up with any, even the most attractive, idea it is necessary to think in advance not only from what and how to make a reservoir how to decorate and co-ordinate with the surrounding space, but also what efforts it will demanded from you in order to take care of it.