In order to take care of your reservoir and water plants it is necessary to have special pond scissors or secateurs, nippers and a net on long sliding, bars. The leaves that starts losing their turgor and beginning to turn yellow and dark red need to be accurately cut off on 20 - 30 cm. below the water surface and taken away from the reservoir. In spring when the trees blossom, the pollen and dry scales of the aments that finished blossoming, gather on the water surface with a dense bed that interfere the penetration of oxygen and sunlight in the water, this rubbish needs to be taken away by net, as well as autumn leaves that fell from trees. If the reservoir is very small you will have to take much more care of cleaning the rubbish in order not to let it set on the bottom of your reservoir.
Such shallow plants, as (Juncus effusus), lake cane (Scirpus lacustris) and Tabernemontana (S. tabernaemontani) Albescens and Zebrinus are not necessary to be cut off for winter. Their dried up hollow stalks do not only decorate your snow-covered reservoir in winter, but also allows oxygen to get in the water under the ice. They have to be cut off in spring when the ice will completely melt away.
The newest biochemical preparations developed by German scientists especially for conditions of a private garden will help to facilitate taking care of the health of your reservoir and its inhabitants. They allow regulating different processes occurring in the water area. With the help of these preparations it is possible to influence on quality of water, its chemical compound, level of alkalinity and rigidity, presence of oxygen in the water and the components useful for health of pond’s fauna. Specially intended biologically active additives and chemical compounds are capable to improve and modify the quality of water, that was primary unsuitable for a decorative reservoir and its inhabitants. They will neutralize harmful components, adapt new water and stabilize the biological balance, for example, in the presence of stressful factors during long summer heat or at excessive quantity of fishes, because of wrong mode of their feeding or at the surplus of decaying fossils on the bottom.
These preparations were developed by serious scientific institutions for conditions of the maintenance of private reservoirs, that is why they are non toxical for the humans and pets and are on sale in a package convenient for application. Many of these preparations have a wide, universal and prolonged spectrum of action thanks to what they provide healthy existence for water areas, and for its all inhabitants without any additional efforts from your side. The application of these preparations allows you to avoid the usage of difficult and expensive cleaning equipment: filtering systems, pond vacuum cleaners etc. In specialized shops you will be given a detailed consultation on this question. Keep in mind that in some cases it is more economically to buy a larger package which can be used several times. Being engaged in creation and accomplishment of decorative reservoirs in the conditions of different gardens, I could test some of these preparations, therefore I can confidently recommend them to you. Of course it is possible not to use them at all, but in many cases they considerably facilitate your life.