However the pond of natural outlines is not the only natural variant of the reservoir decoration. Those who like the movement and gentle murmur of streaming water, possibly, will be interested in the idea of creation of a stream. Sliding in the shades of hanging down to the earth branches of spireas, smoothly coiling, ringing snake of water will bring the incomparable charm in any lonely corner of a garden. On the bank of such streamlet it is possible to place a collection of rhododendrons, ferns and primroses. The air full of moisture is the ideal environment for the cultivation of these desired garden favourites. It is not necessary to mention that there can a lot of variants of stream. The main thing is the idea, and it is simple enough: the circle of water which moves by the pump through the hose from the bottom tank in a certain top point of a channel - a source, from which it runs down again to the bottom tank. And what finally becomes this water stream will depend on the length, width and depth of the channel, quantity and height of thresholds, materials of dressing and of course on the capacity of the pump and the width of section of a hose. As the pond, the stream is a natural water area, also it is necessary to try to arrange and to issue it as much plausibly as it is possible. Therefore the choice of the stream modification should be defined first of all by the features of your site. It is also possible to create a stream on an absolutely flat relief, but it will look much better on a site that initially has at least a small bias. And it is absolutely unessential to arrange high thresholds (height differences) between different steps of a stream. In a garden of a small size it is enough to arrange only a couple of hardly seen rifts. Exactly not deep and not prompt water stream will create a pleasant rustling sound.