No doubt, that at least once in life everybody heard such combination as French garden and English garden. It is necessary to tell that this knowledge is simply obligatory for professionals of landscape design. Besides, there are also Italian gardens, with the specific forms and receptions. The traditional Italian garden begins its history during the Renaissance epoch, so it is possible to say with full confidence that it is even older than French and English.
So, it is necessary to note the basic lines with which you’ll be able to make your garden similar to Italian. Some people do not see any necessity in it, however there are also those who would like it very much. The matter is that a person can choose in design different motives – either Japanese or English it depends on tastes. More often, from people who would like to have an Italian garden at home, on a question "What for?" It is possible to receive approximately identical answer: "For the sake of art!", will be more true likely to speak "... to Italy!"
If to compare an Italian garden to French, it is possible to notice that they are similar in a lay-out regularity, but, unlike French, Italian settles down steps on more difficult relief of hills and foothills. If you don’t have such differences of heights in your garden, perfectly will do artificial terraces and retaining walls, and the retaining walls is better to make from stone combinations. By the way, the stone abundance distinguishes this kind of a garden from all the others. Exactly from stones is desirable to execute a fencing, and also numerous small architectural forms: pavilions in park, grottoes, cascades and fountains, ladders and ramps for connection of the terraces which are at different levels, parapets, balustrades etc.
The Italian style means variations on a theme of regular style. It is a small garden near a country house or a park surrounded with a wall or a cut green hedge. The surface of the Italian garden is divided (just as in regular) into simple geometrical forms by diagonal and direct paths. Often in the composition centre there is a reservoir or a fountain, rounded with flower beds or a paved platform. Beds and reservoirs are solved in formal style (a circle, an oval, or a square).
The patio, raised on some steps adjoining the house, is a characteristic element of the Italian court yard. On this terrace is settled the garden furniture, flowerpots, and sculptures. By the way, sculpture – is an integral attribute of the Italian style. Sculptural registration of fountains, grottoes, flower beds, avenues gives to the Italian gardens strong emotional sounding.
Trees and bushes in the Italian parks are usually cut in the form of a cube or a sphere.
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